Searching For The Parents Of  'JLX'
(John LEE, Esq. of Johnston Co., NC)

Team Discussion
(To add your comments to the discussion, just e-mail them to me and they'll be added.)

May 15, 1999 - Five BRYAN Patent Extracts from Martha Marble
Jim:  Martha Marble came thru with 5 extracts for BRYAN in Isle of Wight Co.  They are now listed on the Pat/Grant progress page.  Thanks, Martha!

April 17, 1999 - Deed search done
Jim:  Barry got busy doing other things, so I finished all the deed index cards and have listed them (except WOODS).  The index list will now be analyzed to see if the various families can be tracked over time.  Relevant deeds that show movement will be translated and platted on maps as needed.  Cross your fingers -- this could be a really big deal if it works!
      Also, I've e-mailed Marth Marble of the BRYAN researchers, to see if they have any of the BRYAN deeds or GEDs that will save us from duplicating their work.

April 13, 1999 - Deed search begins
Jim:  We're under way! Copying an index of deeds from the VA Archives for those on the 1635 ship list is proceeding.  Lorien has already transcribed the earliest deed (1635.04. to John HILL for 350a on the Elizabeth R.), and Jim has platted it on a map.  Barry & Jim are busy getting the rest of the relevant index cards, and Glenn is getting USGS quadrangle maps (detailed 1:24k scale) to plot the deeds on.  Stay tuned for more news as we progress.
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